Selling Nitrogen In Tires - Is It All A Lot Of Hot Air?
Actually... no. But it will require a little explanation and some basic chemistry discussion so here goes...The earths atmosphere is composed primarily of Nitrogen (78%), the remaining balance is a...
View ArticleHow To Write Kick-Ass, Profit Pulling Adverts For Your Business...
Doesn't that just grab you by the eyeballs and make you stop dead in your tracks? I mean it's a little harsh - grammatically speaking - but holy smokes, it does it have 'stopping power'...Now I'll...
View ArticleWhy Is FREE The Most Powerful Marketing Word You Can Use?
As the famous cowboy Will Rogers once said, "Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there."So what does that have to do with "FREE"? Quite a lot really.First, business...
View ArticleSurvival Tips For Your Small Business
No matter type of business you operate you've got to know how to keep your business alive during economic recessions. Anytime the cash flow in a business, large or small, starts to tighten up, the...
View ArticleGoodyear's For The Ghazarian Brothers - A Profile Of Success
A Profile Of SuccessVartan, Shant and Sarkis Ghazarian have rubber in their blood - not literally of course - but they were born into the tire business. Their father ran one of Lebanon's most...
View ArticleDo You Want Raspberry, Chocolate Or Vanilla?
Descartes once wrote, "I think, therefore I am!" and 'hidden' in plain view among those five small words - for all the world to see - lays the secret to unlimited success. Do you see it? Oh all...
View ArticleChina's Tire Industry - Kicking Into High Gear
When you are so busy dealing with the day-to-day activities of business, it's easy to lose sight of the fact that we all operate in a global economy. Our principle concerns are often immediate and...
View ArticleSelling Your Shop As 'The' Place To Work
If you're a 'smart cookie' you advertise, you market, you engage the services of professionals to assist in the sale of products and services... But who sells your business to prospective employees?...
View ArticlePay No Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain!
As the 'Great And Powerful Oz' once said to Dorothy, "Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain!" and as you know, appearances can be deceiving they are also one of the first things people judge...
View ArticleHow To Sleep Your Way To Success
Yikes! That sounds a little sordid doesn't it. Well it's not what you think, it really is just about "sleep" - and not that other fun bedroom activity... --- So just how much sleep do you really...
View Article10 Tips To Give Your Press Release The Edge It Needs To Make The News
Writing a press (or media) release is quite an art (and a science) but don't let that scare you. Here are 10 tips to point you in the right direction...(1) Make sure the information is newsworthy.(2)...
View ArticlePrevention Is Better Than Cure... Says Who?
You've likely heard this beforee... "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."Says who? I mean come on. If prevention was so popular why would we see so many "cures" being marketed. Why?...
View Article5 Newspaper Advertising Myths Revealed
What I'm about to reveal are myths that most people think are 'true.'They seem set in stone yet they are deadly to the advertiser.I'm certain you'll be surprised. Certainly you may even doubt what I...
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